Sustainability and Circular Economy in ICT Products: Horizontal Policies and Marketing Approaches
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Products, Circular Economy, Ecodesign, Sustainable Product Policies, Sustainable Marketing StrategiesAbstract
The European Commission’s transition towards a circular economy focuses on waste reduction, increased efficiency, and a shift to a low-carbon economy. Horizontal policies supporting these aims encourage the integration of sector-specific policies across various industries, making it crucial for the private sector and decision-makers to understand these integration processes and gaps. This study examines the environmental impacts of ICT products within sustainable product policies, guided by the European Environmental Bureau’s report, “Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): A Horizontal Priority in Sustainable Product Policy.” The study highlights that the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) insufficiently addresses financial and CO2 savings in ICT product design processes, pointing to the need for targeted marketing strategies to improve the environmental sustainability of these products. Evaluating the report from the circular economy and marketing perspectives, the study emphasizes the importance of consumer awareness strategies and prioritizing product groups that support a sustainable product lifecycle. In its second phase, the study identifies gaps and potential research areas related to circular economy and ecodesign for sustainable products using bibliometric analysis. It recommends including B2B marketing, ESPR, and ecodesign plans in policy documents, emphasizing the need for expanded research on ICT product diversity in the B2B sector.
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