Endüstri 5.0: Türkiye ve Çin Karşılaştırması


  • Ahmet Kaya Gaziantep üniversitesi


In the period we live in, we are entering the industry 4.0 period, a period in which autonomous, smart and communicating machines are prepared together with information and communication technologies (ICT). And the main importance of this period is that people are also included in the mechanization process that develops through the developments in the internet of things, that is, the industry 5.0 and the society 5.0 process, which is a requirement of it. Undoubtedly, there are different obstacles in front of people's evolution into this super-intelligent society, the industry 5.0 process. Considering the development levels of various countries, it is seen that some developed countries overcome these obstacles earlier, while developing and underdeveloped countries are more likely to fall into these obstacles. In this study, some countries including Türkiye and the studies of these countries on industry 5.0 were evaluated and then solutions were offered to the problems in Türkiye.


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How to Cite

Kaya, A. (2023). Endüstri 5.0: Türkiye ve Çin Karşılaştırması. Journal of International Economics, Finance and Trade, 1(1), 8–16. Retrieved from https://journaleft.com/index.php/pub/article/view/4


