Yeşil Lojistik ve Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Üzerine İnceleme
Green Logistics, Green Transportation, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Bibliometric AnalysisAbstract
Some factors, particularly the global increase in industrial production, pose a risk to sustainable living. The logistics sector is one of the sectors that pose a risk to the environment due to the consumption of fossil fuels and the high energy demand. The process of green transformation has started to address the risks of the sectors, and green transformation means sustainable living. This work is based on the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method and bibliometric analysis of publications on green logistics/green transportation. The publications were obtained from the Web of Science database. The publications cover the years 1997-2023. As a result of the search, 228 publications were found. In terms of categories, it can be seen that most of the publications were in the field of transportation science. Looking at the type of publication, most publications have appeared in the form of articles. Prause is the most researched researcher in this field. It can be seen that researchers from Tallinn University of Technology show the most interest in this field. The journal "Sustainability" has published the most articles in this field. Elsevier is the publisher with the most publications. The Chinese National Natural Science Foundation is the main sponsor of papers, and China is the country with the most publications. It can be seen that 39.035% of the collected publications are fully open access. It is the engineering field with the most publications in terms of research field. The study, which provides examples of the results of the bibliometric analysis, is important to delineate the general framework for MCDM and logistics-based publications. The aim of the study is to provide guidance to researchers interested in this topic. The study can be reproduced by reviewing various databases.
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