The Impact of Trade Policy Uncertainty on International Trade: An Empirical Investigation on Turkey's Exports
Trade Policy Uncertainty, International Trade, ARDLAbstract
In recent years, increasing trade liberalisation and international competition have accelerated economic integration and foreign trade volume, especially in developing countries. The export-oriented policies adopted by Turkey after 1980 enabled the country to become an industrial exporter, and free market economy practices contributed to economic growth by increasing export volume and global integration. However, uncertainties in international trade policies lead to contraction in economic activity and affect investments and exchange rate volatility in developing countries such as Turkey. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the effect of US Trade Policy Uncertainty (TPU), Turkey's annual Credit Risk Premium (CDS) data, which is one of the macroeconomic variables affecting international trade and financial system, and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) on the change in the amount of exports, which is one of the main international trade indicators of Turkey. For this purpose, monthly data covering the period 01.01.2013 - 31.05.2024 are included in the analysis and it is seen that the RERC affects Turkey's total exports both in the long run and in the short run, while the CDS has a significant effect on exports only in the long run. There is no significant relationship between Turkey's exports and the US TPU.
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