Macro and micro changes in today's economic structure, globalization movements, and continuous advances in information and communication technology have led to the patterning and diversification of consumers' demands. These changes and transformations have necessitated a faster response to global challenges and demands brought about by different strategies. Thus, the struggle to increase market payments and profit margin began, resulting in an intense competitive environment. It has become necessary for businesses to develop different strategies to maintain their existence and surpass their competitors. The strategies proposed to achieve the competitive solution are different and diverse in the literature. This product is; The source, which advocates that competitive power arises from bad and not easily changeable capabilities, focuses on the regional power factor and the industrial alternative treatment, which sees the power factor as a power source that should be realized due to external competition rather than internal dynamics. In this direction, the aim is to directly and indirectly investigate the innovation culture and competition methods of businesses on their innovation ability and business market performance. The study carried out in this direction was carried out on companies that continue their machine-made carpet production activities in Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone.
Keywords: Innovation Culture, Competition Strategy, Innovation Capabilities, Market Performance.
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